In this post, we take a deeper dive into the Who, What, Where, When, & Why of long-term care.

WHAT is long-term care?
Long-term care provides a variety of services that are designed and provided to meet an individual’s personal care and healthcare needs. While it is difficult to predict how much or what type of care your loved one may need, there are several factors that can lead to an increased need for long-term care.
WHO may need long-term care?
Age is a big factor, and in fact, around 70% of people over the age of 65 may need some form of long-term care during their lifetime. Another factor is gender, as women are generally at a higher risk than men due to their longer life expectancy. Poor diet and exercise habits can contribute to the need of long-term care for your loved one, with family health history and marital status also being amongst the factors.

WHEN is it time to consider long-term care?
In a previous blog post titled 4 Signs That It Might
Be Time To Seek Long-Term Care for a Loved One, we outlined different behaviors and situations in which long-term care may be the best course of action. These include organization issues, poor hygiene practices, loss of interests, or lacking
resources to continue caregiving.
Voyage Tip: Always make sure to consult with a medical professional before making any decisions.
WHY choose long-term care?
Choosing long-term care is beneficial for those who may experience challenges while performing basic life functions. If you are unsure of the financial aspects and obligations, make sure to read our most recent blog post describing The Differences between Medicare and Medicaid.
WHERE to receive long-term care?
Most long-term care is typically provided at home and can include unpaid caregivers
(usually family members or friends) or paid home health aides/therapists. There are also community services such as adult day care services, transportation services, and home
care agencies. Nursing homes and assisted living/retirement facilities provide the
widest range of services and care.

To learn more about Voyage Long Term Care
and the long term care facilities they manage,