The parades lush with red, white, and blue, the smells of barbecue in the backyard and watching fireworks light up the night sky. These are just a few different experiences folks around the United States take in every year on Independence Day.
Voyage Long Term Care and Oak Hills Care Center realize how important it is for seniors to be involved and engaged in holiday celebrations along with creating meaningful connections in the community. This year, Oak Hills Care Center partnered with the Jones FFA & 4-H Club to purchase fireworks for an Independence Day celebration at the nursing home. Each year, the Jones FFA chapter sets up a fireworks stand to raise money that helps pay for projects, camps, competitions, prizes and more. This is regarded as their biggest fundraising event of the year, and it benefits all Jones FFA & 4-H club members.
According to, the 4-H and FFA programs are designed to enhance education by building professional development skills and covering topics not normally taught in a typical school setting. Topics can range from nutrition and agriculture to STEM and different types of skill building contests such as livestock showing, public speaking, shooting sports and service projects. Incorporating these hands-on experiences and educational opportunities for youth helps to develop personal responsibility and strong work-ethic.
Voyage Long Term Care President & CEO Brad Underwood says he enjoys seeing Oak Hills Care Center getting involved with the Jones community, especially with the FFA & 4-H chapter. “Creating spaces for our youth to realize their full potential, while also instilling the values of hard work and dedication is invaluable in today’s world. Having the opportunity to help them reach their goals while also getting to put on a great fireworks show for our residents is a win-win for all of us in my opinion.”
Over 60 residents, employees and family members were at Oak Hills to take in the half-hour fireworks show over the holiday weekend. “I loved seeing the residents faces light up when a firework would go off,” Voyage Media Assistant, Ashley Strehl, said. “It’s like the child within them came out and they felt young again.”
Fostering an environment where our seniors feel loved and cared for is at the heart of the Ministry core value at Voyage Long Term Care and all their managed communities.
Click HERE to learn more about the Jones FFA & 4-H Chapter.